Pavel Machek writes:
This is usefull minor mode I created some time ago. Is there way for
something like this to get into standart distribution?
Hi Pavel.
I just tried out your "vertical-mode" and I think it's pretty nifty.
The code is small and looks clean to me, so I don't see any reason why
it shouldn't get added to one of the XEmacs packages.
I've had it on my plate for a while to clean up a few .el files and
add them into the edit-utils or text-modes packages. The ones I have
in mind are "autorevert.el" and "follow.el" (neither of which work
quite right in XEmacs). Maybe while I'm updating these packages, I'll
toss "vertical-mode" into the mix, assuming nobody objects.
Thanks for the contribution!
Happy XEmacs'ing,