Ar an t-aonú lá déag de mí Bealtaine, scríobh Mats Lidell:
>>>>> Aidan Kehoe <kehoea(a)>
Aidan> it came up that Andrew Choi included non-default toolbar icons
What do you think about creating a new set of icons just to give some
visible changes. This would sort out the copyright issue as well.
It would, but it would involve the work of creating the icons, which is
something I’m certainly not expert at.
Simpler solution; we can use the GPLv3 icons that GNU use.
“Apart from the nine-banded armadillo, man is the only natural host of
Mycobacterium leprae, although it can be grown in the footpads of mice.”
-- Kumar & Clark, Clinical Medicine, summarising improbable leprosy research
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