Gunnar Evermann <ge204(a)> writes:
Mike Fabian <fabian(a)> writes:
> Gunnar Evermann <ge204(a)> writes:
> > A quick fix for the crash would be adding a call to
> > ensure_face_cachel_contains_charset() at the relevant place in
> > x_output_string like this:
> [...patch...]
> Wonderful! This cures the frequent crashes I experienced while using
> lookup.el. Last weekend I managed to reproduce these crashes, but
> wasn't yet able to narrow it down to a small bit of sample code.
Oh, are these the crashes you reported to crashes(a) (Sorry
don't have the PR# handy)? I thought we had fixed that by checking for
dead processes?
No, these are unrelated.
The only thing these two types of crashes had in common is that I
experienced both wile using lookup.el. I can verify that the one with
the dead processes is fixed by your patch which checks for dead
The other type of crash during using lookup.el was the one which
crashed after `split-window', shortly after inserting Japanese. This
was extremely annoying, as it was very frequent. Last Sunday I was
finally able to reproduce it, but it was very late and I was to stupid
to narrow it down small bit of sample code.
After applying your patch it went away. I tried it on Linux and
Solaris 2.5 and lookup.el hasn't crashed since.
> The last function shown on the lisp backtraces was always
> `split-window' shortly after some Japanese characters had been
> inserted.
> Therefore when I saw Gunnars patch appear on this list, I guessed this
> might fix my problem, and indeed it did.
Uhm, it wasn't really meant as a serious patch, more as a help in
diagnosing the problem. As you are apparently running an xemacs with
it, does it cause a massive slowdown or any other obvious changes?
I don't notice any obvious slowdown nor any other obvious changes.
Can I help to measure the slowdown somehow? What sort of thing
should be measured?