>>>> "Jan" == Jan Vroonhof
<vroonhof(a)math.ethz.ch> writes:
Jan> Martin Buchholz <martin(a)xemacs.org> writes:
> Some people were interested in how much space is taken up by our
> workspace, especially those who might be interested in CVSuping or
> rsyncing it.
Jan> Thanks.. For the same reason. How big would a bzip2 compressed tarball
Jan> be.
> 15845 ./XEmacs/xemacs/etc
> 17011 ./XEmacs/xemacs/src
> 13607 ./XEmacs/xemacs/man
> 55974 ./XEmacs/xemacs/lisp
Jan> Most that size is probably for files that have been moved to the
Jan> packages, isn't it? Apart from that the sizes are actually quite reasonable.
(martinb@camelot-soft) /usr/CVSroot/XEmacs $ BLOCKSIZE=1024 du -s xemacs; tar cf - xemacs
| bzip2 | wc -c | perl -e 'print int(<STDIN>/1024),"\n";'
113854 xemacs
So we get a compression ratio of about 5. However, running bzip is
very slow - the above command took about 15 minutes of cpu time on
cvs.xemacs.org. Given that
cvs.xemacs.org is also used by some people
for real work, even doing this experiment was slightly naughty.