Bah, forgot version information....
In XEmacs 21.2 (beta32) "Kastor & Polydeukes" [Lucid]
(sparc-sun-solaris2.7) of Fri Mar 24 2000 on rhea configured using
`configure --prefix=/export/users/hamishm/xemacs
I CVS-upped at about 10:10am EST this morning. I was seeing this
problem with a version from the 21st of March also.
If I execute the following code in a vanilla xemacs, the message-mode
toolbar is incorrectly rendered. "C-l" (recenter) doesn't solve the
problem, but getting any X-based refresh to run ("xrefresh",
iconifying/uniconifying, hide/expose window fixes the display. It
looks like the portion of the toolbar, corresponding to where the
gutter/tabs were, is not drawn.
(set-specifier default-toolbar nil)
(setq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent)
Here is what it looks like:
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