Ar an cúigiú lá déag de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Adrian Aichner:
> (An exception to this has just bitten us in the arse with
[...] Aidan, what is that issue with tramp you are referring to?
If the tramp package has been installed as a package, it automagically loads
itself if a pathname matches some regexp of which I don’t know the
details. (I know this because I never use Tramp but still get "Loading tramp
..." during pathname completion now and then.) Because of this, the FSF’s
argument that Tramp is not distinct from XEmacs for the user clearly holds;
if it were necessary for the user to activate the package for its
functionality to be available in XEmacs, this would be less clear, and GPLV3
would have less relevance to XEmacs.
On the quay of the little Black Sea port, where the rescued pair came once
more into contact with civilization, Dobrinton was bitten by a dog which was
assumed to be mad, though it may only have been indiscriminating. (Saki)
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