>>>> "Raymond" == Raymond Toy
<toy(a)rtp.ericsson.se> writes:
>>>> "Jan" == Jan Vroonhof
<vroonhof(a)math.ethz.ch> writes:
Jan> Raymond Toy
<toy(a)rtp.ericsson.se> writes:
>> This is 100% repeatable. Start with xemacs -vanilla. Then
Jan> Not for me...
Raymond> Shoot. My mistake.
Raymond> Instead of evaluating (load-library ...), do M-x load-library RET
Raymond> eudc-export. When it asks to configure the search base, press n.
Raymond> This crashes xemacs repeatably for me. Does this recipe work for you?
No... I tried with your .eudc-options file and the procedure you describe
above, eudc-export loads just fine...
I have no real idea here but verify you don't have an EUDC installation partly
shadowing another and try to remove .elc files in order to use the uncompiled
version of the files.