>>>> "Vin" == Vin Shelton <acs(a)xemacs.org>
Vin> I intend to release 21.1.14 this weekend. I hope to release
Vin> 21.1.14 as it now exists in CVS, so get your bug reports in
Vin> ASAP.
Hello Vin,
can you please review this for 21.1.14.
Yoshiki, can you please comment?
From: Adrian.Aichner(a)t-online.de (Adrian Aichner)
Subject: Re: XEmacs 21.1.9 "Canyonlands" has been Released
To: xemacs-beta(a)xemacs.org
Cc: Yoshiki Hayashi <yoshiki(a)xemacs.org>
Date: 21 Jan 2001 23:55:57 +0100
References: <m2900oaaoh.fsf(a)zion.ne.mediaone.net>
Organization: The XEmacs Project
Message-ID: <uk87owm4i.fsf(a)rapier.ecf.teradyne.com>
Best regards,
Vin> - vin
Adrian Aichner