I tried to update packages, and I got the dreaded "seems not a pty"
message. Updating packages had been working flawlessly for me for
months. I did everything I could think of to get the package list,
until it occurred to me to try doing ftp at the shell:
> bash% ftp
> ftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service
The permissions on /etc/inet/services were set to not be readable by
other. I chmoded it to 0444 and it works
Now package list works fine.
It would be great if the "ftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service" message from
ftp could get out to the user. Seems not a pty isn't a terribly
useful error message, particularly when the *ftp* process crashed on
I will eventually, in the fullness of time[1], track this down.
But, hopefully, somebody else more familiar with package & efs code
could improve this.
[1] measured relative to proton decay.