Ar an triochadú lá de mí na Nollaig, scríobh Uwe Brauer:
On NoMule Xemacs I am used to iso-accents-mode which allows me to
generate latin1 characters such as "Spanish" and "German"
by typing 7bit ASCII code such as
'o --> ó
"a--> ä
Etc. I can restrict that only to Spanish or only to German.
(Although I did not want to talk a about coding these symbols are
later stored as unibyte 8859-1 chars.)
The GNU Emacs unibyte vs. multibyte distinction doesn’t exist, for the user,
under XEmacs. The characters generated with iso-accents mode are exactly the
same as the characters that are generated with the german-prefix and
spanish-prefix Mule input methods.
Two things I want to emphasize:
- I can toggle iso-accents-mode ON and OFF.
- I an iso-accentuate and iso-unaccentuate whole regions,
changing 8 bit to 7 bit and back.
In Mule, according to my understanding, the closest thing would be
using quail and there the "german-pre" and "spanish-pre" method (I
think one could still use iso-accents-mode but that is not my point
Now it seems
- I cannot toggle off these input methods.
C-\ toggles the input method off, and then on again. Or did you mean
something else?
- I cannot change the chars back to the 7bit ASCII, that is
is not equivalent to iso-unaccentuate. I would find this
especially useful for the TeX-input we recently discussed.
I’ve looked into this to some extent; as far as I can work out, it never
occurred to the Quail designers that automated use of the input methods
might be desirable. That said, the data are there, this would be desirable,
and it could be implemented given time and energy.
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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