In XEmacs 21.0 "Swedish Landrace" [Lucid] (i686-suse-linux) of Thu Jun 18
1998 on schweikert
configured using configure '--cflags=-O6 -mpentiumpro -fomit-frame-pointer'
--dynamic=yes --debug=no --with-gnu-make --error-checking=none --gung-ho
--use-union-type --with-scrollbars=athena3d --with-dialogs=athena3d
--without-dragndrop i686-suse-linux'
I have noticed a (seems-to-be-) bug:
Open the about screen and divide the window vertically (C-x 3). Now scroll the
left window to the right. The XEmacs logo "enters" the right window!
Since a picture is better than a thousand words, see:
David Schweikert <schweikert(a)>
"Grandpa, tell me again about the days when there was a Microsoft."