I recently installed Fedora Core 7. I never had a problem with the
xemacs that came with Fedora Core 6.
I prefer to have the focus follow mouse so that is one of the first
things that I do when I install a Fedora system.
I quickly noticed that when I clicked open and the dialog comes up to
select file or dir that clicking OK does nothing but I could click enter
and it would continue. The real problem came in when I updated a file
from CVS that I was editing and had open in a buffer. When I tell it to
revert xemacs would not respond to the mouse click to tell it to go
ahead and reload the buffer.
I later learned that if, in X, I tell X to not have focus follow mouse
then these different mouse operations work fine.
I did try going to options, advanced, emacs, enviroment, X and telling
it focus follows mouse but that seemed to have no effect.
If there is a way around this so that I can keep my focus follows mouse
it would be a big help.
David Miller
Please describe as succinctly as possible:
- What happened.
- What you thought should have happened.
- Precisely what you were doing at the time.
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