Dear Folks,
First thanks for the help with the syswindows.h issue, I now have ran into
another problem, while compiling I get this:
gcc -g -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch -Winline -Wmissing-prototypes -Wsign-compare -W
shadow -Wpointer-arith
-mwindows -e _mainCRTStartup -L/usr/X11R6/lib -Wl,-export-dynamic -o temacs
abbrev.o alloc.o alloc
a.o balloon_help.o balloon-x.o blocktype.o buffer.o bytecode.o callint.o
casefiddle.o casetab.o char
tab.o filelock.o cmdloop.o cmds.o console.o console-stream.o data.o
database.o debug.o tests.o devi
ce.o dired.o doc.o doprnt.o dynarr.o editfns.o elhash.o emacs.o eval.o
events.o event-stream.o event
-unixoid.o unexcw.o dragdrop.o getloadavg.o inline.o ntplay.o terminfo.o
extents.o faces.o file-codi
ng.o fileio.o filemode.o floatfns.o fns.o font-lock.o frame.o general.o
dgif_lib.o gif_io.o glyphs.
o glyphs-eimage.o glyphs-shared.o glyphs-widget.o gui.o menubar.o
scrollbar.o dialog.o toolbar.o
gutter.o hash.o imgproc.o indent.o insdel.o intl.o keymap.o line-number.o
lread.o lstream.o macros
.o marker.o md5.o minibuf.o console-msw.o device-msw.o event-msw.o
frame-msw.o objects-msw.o select-
msw.o redisplay-msw.o glyphs-msw.o gui-msw.o menubar-msw.o scrollbar-msw.o
dialog-msw.o toolbar-msw.
o objects.o opaque.o postgresql.o print.o process.o process-unix.o
profile.o rangetab.o realpath.
o redisplay.o redisplay-output.o regex.o search.o select.o sheap.o sysdll.o
emodules.o signal.o soun
d.o specifier.o strftime.o symbols.o syntax.o sysdep.o text.o
console-tty.o device-tty.o event-tty
.o frame-tty.o objects-tty.o redisplay-tty.o cm.o undo.o unicode.o
console-x.o device-x.o event-Xt.o
frame-x.o glyphs-x.o objects-x.o redisplay-x.o select-x.o xgccache.o
intl-x.o gui-x.o menubar-x.o s
crollbar-x.o dialog-x.o toolbar-x.o toolbar-common.o widget.o window.o
win32.o intl-win32.o intl-aut
o-encap-win32.o intl-encap-win32.o xemacs_res.o lastfile.o gmalloc.o
free-hook.o vm-limit.o EmacsFr
ame.o EmacsShell.o TopLevelEmacsShell.o TransientEmacsShell.o EmacsManager.o
../lwlib/liblw.a -l
Xm -ltiff -lpng -ljpeg -lz -lcompface -lXpm -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lSM -lI
CE -ldb -lgdbm -lncurses
-lpq -lwinmm -limm32 -lshell32 -lgdi32 -luser32 -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32 -lole
32 -luuid -lwinspool -lm
pr -lutil
./temacs -nd -no-packages -batch -l
rm -f ../lib-src/DOC; \
./temacs -nd -no-packages -batch -l
el -- \
-o ../lib-src/DOC -d /mnt/d/Downloads/xemacs/xemacs-21.5.9/src -i
s \
abbrev.c alloc.c alloca.c balloon_help.c balloon-x.c blocktype.c
buffer.c bytecode.c callint
.c casefiddle.c casetab.c chartab.c filelock.c cmdloop.c cmds.c console.c
console-stream.c data.c d
atabase.c debug.c tests.c device.c dired.c doc.c doprnt.c dynarr.c editfns.c
elhash.c emacs.c eval.c
events.c event-stream.c event-unixoid.c unexcw.c dragdrop.c getloadavg.c
inline.c ntplay.c terminfo
.c extents.c faces.c file-coding.c fileio.c filemode.c floatfns.c fns.c
font-lock.c frame.c general
.c dgif_lib.c gif_io.c glyphs.c glyphs-eimage.c glyphs-shared.c
glyphs-widget.c gui.c menubar.c s
crollbar.c dialog.c toolbar.c gutter.c hash.c imgproc.c indent.c insdel.c
intl.c keymap.c line-numb
er.c lread.c lstream.c macros.c marker.c md5.c minibuf.c console-msw.c
device-msw.c event-msw.c fra
me-msw.c objects-msw.c select-msw.c redisplay-msw.c glyphs-msw.c gui-msw.c
menubar-msw.c scrollbar-m
sw.c dialog-msw.c toolbar-msw.c objects.c opaque.c postgresql.c print.c
process.c process-unix.c
profile.c rangetab.c realpath.c redisplay.c redisplay-output.c regex.c
search.c select.c sheap.c sys
dll.c emodules.c signal.c sound.c specifier.c strftime.c symbols.c syntax.c
sysdep.c text.c consol
e-tty.c device-tty.c event-tty.c frame-tty.c objects-tty.c redisplay-tty.c
cm.c undo.c unicode.c con
sole-x.c device-x.c event-Xt.c frame-x.c glyphs-x.c objects-x.c
redisplay-x.c select-x.c xgccache.c
intl-x.c gui-x.c menubar-x.c scrollbar-x.c dialog-x.c toolbar-x.c
toolbar-common.c widget.c window.c
win32.c intl-win32.c intl-auto-encap-win32.c intl-encap-win32.c
xemacs_res.c free-hook.c
./temacs -nd -no-packages -batch -l
/mnt/d/Downloads/xemacs/xemacs-21.5.9/src/../lisp/loadup.el dump
make[1]: [xemacs] Error 1 (ignored)
make[2]: Entering directory `/mnt/d/Downloads/xemacs/xemacs-21.5.9/src'
gcc -c -g -O3 -Wall -Wno-switch -Winline -Wmissing-prototypes -Wsign-compare
-Wshadow -Wpointer-arit
h -Demacs -I. -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -fno-caller-saves -fvtable-thunks -I/usr/X11R
6/include sheap.c
sheap.c:38: size of array `static_heap_buffer' is negative
sheap.c:87:1: warning: multi-line string literals are deprecated
make[2]: *** [sheap.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/mnt/d/Downloads/xemacs/xemacs-21.5.9/src'
make[1]: *** [xemacs] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/mnt/d/Downloads/xemacs/xemacs-21.5.9/src'
make: *** [src] Error 2
Thanks in advance for your help.
Harold H.
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