Falk Hueffner <falk.hueffner(a)student.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
Debian 2.2 (potato)
Linux version 2.2.14
gcc version 2.95.2 20000313 (Debian GNU/Linux)
Compaq C T6.2-235 on Linux 2.2.14 alpha / Compiler Driver T6.2-235 (Linux) cc Driver
glibc 2.1.3
After a suggestion of Olivier Galibert, I tried ./configure --pdump
with the Compaq compile, and to my amazement it started working. Even
the problem with the selection I reported some weeks ago was gone :) I
will make some more tests and see if it works with gcc, too.
Note that this really isn't that amazing. The "p" in pdump is there
for a reason.
The question is whether you/we/somebody else[1] wants to chase down the
problem with the black art of normal dumping or that the time isn't
better spend completing the pdump support.
[1] Often checking a recent pre-test of standard Emacs can be useful.