Although I am generally cautious by nature, IMHO this is too cautious - my
reasons are:
a) gtk has been implemented as a separate device/console
b) gtk has a separate event loop
c) gtk does not use lwlib.
So I believe that if people are not using gtk then the impact on them will
be insignifcant because the code changes are all in gtk specific files. The
abstractions in 21.2 are pretty clean so if there are any changes required
to the core code they are probably required anyway.
Of course not having looked at the code, BillP may need to correct me on this.
I do, of course, agree that switching on gtk by default is way too aggressive.
At 04:31 PM 9/5/00 +0900, Martin Buchholz wrote:
I think putting the gtk changes on the main branch directly is far
I would like to see:
- Bill upgrades his branch to 21.2 (or creates a new branch for
- Bill `finishes' the xemacs-gtk work, including boring stuff like
documentation, NEWS, and maybe even some test cases. Maybe a web
page could explain WHY we are creating a gtk-xemacs. I for one am
not sure. Bill, get thee a sourceforge account so you can write
that web page.
- Bill advertises this branch as a new 21.2 candidate. Of course this
branch defaults to --with-gtk=no.
- People try to use the xemacs-gtk-21.2 branch for their default
XEmacs and pound on random keys for a few months.
- After a month or two or three, when people see stability and
coolness, we merge xemacs-gtk-21.2 onto the main branch.
- When everyone sees the goodness that is GTK, we consider making
--with-gtk (autodetected, of course) the default.
- There is nothing stopping Bill from incorporating changes from 21.2
occasionally into his branch. Of course, this requires discipline
regarding branch names and a good understanding of the merge process.
Actually, I would like to see this for all major changes, not just
GTK. We haven't done that in the past. I'm very happy that Bill is
using CVS branches, and I wish other big changes did the same.
Regarding the timing of the merge, I would hope that Ben's
Mule/Windows changes come at a distinct period of time from the gtk
merge onto the main branch. It is better if XEmacs is only digesting
one major source of changes at a time.
Ben's changes are very different because they potentially affect everyone.
Dr Andy Piper
Principal Consultant, BEA Systems Ltd