I can now reproduce this 100%. Here are the steps:
LUCY:~$xemacs --vanilla -eval "(global-set-key \"\\C-m\"
'newline-and-indent)" bbb.c
The "bbb.c" file is pretty short, here it is in its entirety:
--------------------- cut here ---------------------
s_cmenu_all.h_active = s_menudoc.createElement("DIV");
function vedit_init (h_vedit)
cmenu_init(vedit_cmenu_populate, vedit_cmenu_execute);
--------------------- cut here ---------------------
Now, go to the beginning of the 2nd line (over the 1st "/") (or to the
beginning of 3rd of 4th line - all 3 produce the crash) and press C-m
Fatal error: assertion failed, file /usr/local/src/xemacs-21.2/src/insdel.c, line 1115, (
retval) >= BI_BUF_BEG (buf) && retval <= BI_BUF_Z (buf)
The culprit seems to be the comment and the fact that it starts from
the very beginning of the file. Inserting a blank like above the 1st
line removes the crash. I hope somebody who knows the C code involved
can look at it. I can provide further details if needed. Thanks.
Dmitry Yaitskov <dimas(a)home.com> wrote:
I have reported this bug once already, but apparentlyy nobody took
notice. So here it is again. This happens on a fairly regular basis on
my system. Last time it happened twice in a row after exactly same
actions (copy a line from one buffer, switch to another, go to the top
and 2 lines down, paste - boom), but unfortunately I could not repro
it after that. My feeling is that the bug occurs when I do things
really fast (which would explain why I couldn't repro it). The
assertion is below. I have no idea what the code that causes it does,
but would be willing to help somebody who knows - e.g. I can add some
checking code to the problematic place etc. In any case, this bug is
as good a showstopper as any for a "release" so at least some
attention by one of XEmacs' core writers is I think justified.
LUCY:~$xemacs &
LUCY:~$Fatal error: assertion failed, file /usr/local/src/xemacs-21.2/src/insdel.c, line
1115, ( retval) >= BI_BUF_BEG (buf) && retval <= BI_BUF_Z (buf)
[1]+ Exit 1 xemacs
XEmacs 21.2 (beta44) "Thalia" [Lucid] (i686-pc-cygwin) of Tue Feb 13 2001 on
LUCY:~$uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.0 LUCY 1.1.8(0.34/3/2) 2001-01-31 10:08 i686 unknown