I get a connection refused when logging in:
C:\a\lisp\trial>cvs -d :pserver:anoncvsļ¼ anoncvs.gnu.org:/gd/gnu/anoncvsroot login
(Logging in to anoncvs(a)anoncvs.gnu.org)
CVS password:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to anoncvs.gnu.org:2401 failed: Connection refused
I was trying this from a WinNt Ws4 Sp4 cmd window; same problem when using
it from a (cygwin bash) shell under Xemacs NT beta or Nt Emacs
But under these shells it is even worse: nothing happens anymore after
hitting the enter key on the pasword prompt. The aborted message only
comes after Ctrl-C ing the cvs program (and yes, I waited long enough
before doing this)
I am a newbie at cvs, so there may well be something I overlooked though...
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