|--==> "SK" == Stefan Kamphausen <kamphausen(a)novelscience.com> writes:
SK> Dear XEmacs-Community, recently I submitted a patch to
SK> func-menu.el (adding ruby support) which I improved again today
SK> (it went wrong when a ruby file contains only a def but no
SK> class).
SK> What am I supposed to do now? Patch against the original
SK> func-menu.el again or patch against the already patched version
SK> and write a changelog describing just that?
Patches to anything in packages should always be against the current
CVS version.
You can grab any individual package from CVS with:
cvs -d :pserver:xemacs@cvs.xemacs.org:/usr/CVSroot login
(password is 'zawinski' (sans quotes)) [1]
And then:
cvs -d :pserver:xemacs@cvs.xemacs.org:/usr/CVSroot co <packagename>
In your case, Stefan, you would do 'co edit-utils' to get hold of our
current version of func-menu.el.
Stefan, I noticed the patch that you have just submitted which looks
like it is against a "ruby-less" func-menu.el. Unfortunately I had
applied your last ruby patch. Don't worry about re-submitting another
patch against current CVS this time, I'll take care of it for you. :-)
I hope this has been helpful to you. If you have any other questions
regarding making and submitting patches to the packages feel free to
contact me.
[1] This step is only needed once because cvs will save the password
in ~/.cvspass
|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: 9E7E2820>---|
| XEmacs - It's not just an editor. |
| It's a way of life. |