Rodney Sparapani writes:
I don't see that font. And, I don't really recognize any of
the TrueType
fonts that I have on the system.
"fc-list" will list all the fonts that are known to fontconfig, which
may take a very long time if the cache hasn't been primed (as Aidan
pointed out).
So, I tried MonotypeCenturySchoolbook thinking that it was
monospace, but it's not. It looks great, but it is really small.
Add ":dpi=100" at the end of the font spec. ":" is the field
separator for fontconfig font specs. If you have a very
high-resolution monitor, you might actually want to go higher than
than (and Xft will DTRT).
Note the ":dpi=75".
Fatal error: assertion failed, file signal.c, line 730, QUIT called
within redisplay without being properly wrapped
Grrr. I don't know what this is, but E. Taumberger also reported
something similar, so maybe with a couple of traces we can make
progress on it.
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