>>>> "Bryan" == Bryan Kramer
<kramer(a)techne.ca> writes:
Bryan> I often have many frames open on many different buffers. I
Bryan> frequently close most or all but one of these
Bryan> frames. Having done this, sometimes opening a frame on a
Bryan> buffer that I have looked at before, the visible area and
Bryan> point are nowhere near where I left them when I closed the
Bryan> last frame on the buffer. I don't expect point to change
Bryan> just because I closed a frame.
OK, that's a bug. But we need to know what modes these buffers with
changing point are in, and it would be best if you can provide us with
a recipe like
xemacs -nw
C-x C-f new-file
; insert text and move
; alternatively, find a file it happens on that you can send us or put
; up on the Web for retrieval
C-x 5 C-f some-other-file
C-x 5 o
C-x 5 0
C-x 5 b new-file
; point is wrong
Also, if it's consistently in one of the big externally maintained
packages like JDE or cc-mode, you should file bug reports with the
maintainers. It seems possible to me that one of this packages is
doing something "intelligent" outside of a save-excursion or the like;
there's nothing we can do about that kind of thing except ask the
maintainers to fix.
It's especially plausible with JDE because (a) it's very intelligent
and (b) I don't use it which is consistent with me not having observed
the bug.
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