On this page:
There is the following:
eicq: an ICQ client for XEmacs. [download] [screen shot]
X-Symbol: The main purpose of package x-symbol is to provide some
WYSIWYGness in an area where it greatly enhance the readability of
your LaTeX or HTML source: using "real" characters for "tokens"
like \oplus or ™. It also provides input methods for these
characters, both for the beginner and the expert (some users regard
this as the main reason to use package x-symbol). WYSIWYG super-
and subscripts and images/figures are also supported.
eicq is already an xemacs package, right? Does this need to be here?
It would appear that just about all of the work necessary for making
x-symbol be a package has been already been done. So, maybe it should
just be a package?