|--==> "VS" == Vin Shelton <acs(a)xemacs.org> writes:
VS> Thanks, Steve. Now we're making some progress. I can successfully
VS> build the packages again, with one small problem. I have to run make
VS> in the vm directory before I can run make in the bbdb directory.
This should be fixed now.
VS> Let me explain...
VS> I used to run 'make bindist' from the toplevel directory, but a few
VS> months ago it became possible to run make bindist in only the
VS> directories of interest.
It should be possible to do the same thing from toplevel, just set
NONMULE_PACKAGES and MULE_PACKAGES to the packages you wish to build.
VS> I save considerable time by only building the packages I want to
VS> install. I was very grateful for this change, thank you to whoever
VS> made it (props to Ben?).
I've _always_ been able to build packages in this way, but I do
remember you having problems with this.
VS> (I still run 'make autoloads' from the top directory - this makes sure
VS> that all the autoload files exist when I run make in the individual
VS> package directories.)
A good idea.
VS> after running 'make autoloads' and before running 'make' in the
VS> directory. Shouldn't 'make autoloads' in vm create the
VS> file? Was this broken by the latest vm updates?
Yep, sorry.
|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: 10D5C9C5>---|
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