Dear Bug Team!
I can't compile xemacs-21.5.[7-9], I get:
gcc -c -g -03 ... -I /usr/X11/include nas.c
nas.c:969 `SoundFileInfo' undeclared (first ...
If I compare the nas header files, I find, that SoundFileInfo[] was
in audio/sound.h in older nas-versions, e.g. 1.4.1 but it is not defined
the current nas-1.6, which is installed on the target computer. This
occurs, even if I disable(?) nas in the configure step. I used:
./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6 --with-gif=yes --with-sound=native,esd
--with-database=berkdb --with-mule
Do you have a hint, what I can do to compile xemacs?
Cheers, Juergen