Steve Youngs,
Here is the problem I'm having with building bbdb. As I noted
earlier, the problem is actually in mew. If I cd to comm and run
'make', here is what happens:
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/build/xemacs-packages-2001-01-15/comm/mew'
xemacs -no-autoloads -batch -eval "(push (expand-file-name \"mew\")
load-path)" -l ./poe.el -l
/usr/local/build/xemacs-packages-2001-01-15/package-compile.el -- mew --
xemacs exiting.Cannot open load file: ./poe.el
make[1]: *** [mew/auto-autoloads.elc] Error 255
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/build/xemacs-packages-2001-01-15/comm/mew'
make: *** [mew/] Error 2
poe.el seems to be in apel, which I do not install.
- vin