Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
>>>>> "Darryl" == Darryl Okahata
<darrylo(a)> writes:
Darryl> For future releases, could this be tested before the
Darryl> public announcement is made? This can really give XEmacs
Darryl> a bad name, especially coupled with the poor mirrors ....
hey steven
not sure how much of this i can do but i have had a lot of experience
with lots of things
details here
i learn really fast
(i just taught myself a really old databasing system in about 8 hours)
i am willing to help with anything i can
i have had a bunch of internet admin experience email dns http ssh ftp
as well
let me know :)
Peter (Rendhalver)
XEmacs Advocate
Perl Hacker
Apache God
FreeBSD Devote
do not try and bend the spoon, thats impossible.
but try to realise the truth.
and that is?
there is no spoon.
- Neo and child Prodigy
- The Matrix