sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de (Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor]) writes:
>>>>> "MIQ" == monkeyiq
<monkeyiq(a)dingoblue.net.au> writes:
MIQ> Well, from reading the previous URLs on future directions of
MIQ> XEmacs with respect to scripting lang (lisp/scheme) it seemed
MIQ> that the preposed step 1 was to cleanup the cruft a little,
I'm not sure you're getting the enormity of the "cruft cleanup"
Not to mention that most of the cruft code is no cruft at all! -- by
normal C-programmer standards of what cruft is. In this case "remove
the cruft" is almost equivalent to "reimplement Emacs C core the way
it would be done if we started coding it from scratch today".