Mats Lidell wrote:
>>>>> Mats Lidell <matsl(a)> writes:
> OOPS! It seems my recent push of idna.el and punycode.el to net-libs
> break things I did not anticipated. I'm looking at it.
Can you help me analyze this backtrace from compiling
gnus/lisp/nnlistserv.el. I don't understand where and what the problem
is. (Well I do understand that by adding idna.el to net-utils some
things in gnus that depends on idna gets activated and for some reason
this below is the result of that!)
backtrace(nil t)
# bind (error-info)
byte-compile-report-error((wrong-type-argument stringp nil))
("(in expand-file-name)" "[internal]")
expand-file-name(nil "/src/xemacs/bin/")
(setq file (expand-file-name command (car list)))
So the immediate problem appears to be that command is nil.
Further up the stack we have
# bind (command)
(and (condition-case nil (require (quote idna)) (file-error)) (mm-coding-system-p
(quote utf-8)) (executable-find idna-program) (string= (idna-to-ascii
"räksmörgås") "xn--rksmrgs-5wao1o") t)
So I think the problem is that idna-program is nil.
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