On 03 May 2003 07:38:45 +0200, Adrian Aichner wrote:
>>>>> "persicom" == persicom
<persicom(a)acedsl.com> writes:
persicom> 10) Type in (custom-set-variables '(truncate-lines t))
Don't do this at home, kids!
The above wipes out all customizations of variables except for
truncate-lines true!
Yes this is true, but in this limited TEST case, it's ok because:
a) Step 1 is to start --vanilla, so there are no customizations set anyway
b) I wanted to EXACTLY duplicate how I set the variable under non-testing circumstances.
Maybe the problem is related to customization. not the
variable behavior. I don't know enough internals to distinguish (but I know enough
about programing to know it might be a problem.
Matthew O. Persico