|--==> "GE" == Gunnar Evermann <ge204(a)eng.cam.ac.uk> writes:
GE> Steve Youngs <youngs(a)xemacs.org> writes:
>Looks like the BBDB folks deliberately removed the autoload.
GE> I think previously they suggested that you put a long list of
GE> (autoload bbd-XXX 'bbdb)
GE> forms in your .emacs and that is what they replaced.
GE> I think the solution of putting an autoload cookie into the bbdb file
GE> is better as it also removes the need for the (require 'bbdb) and more
GE> importantly it will be backwards compatible with the old XEmacs
GE> package, i.e. people who omitted the require won't get bitten by
GE> upgrading to the new package.
Sounds good.
>I don't
>mind putting it back into the XEmacs package version if that's what
>people want. And they can give me good reason to do so.
GE> the above is my best shot... :-)
You've sold me. :-) I'll patch BBDB shortly.
Thanks Gunner.
|---<Steve Youngs>---------------<GnuPG KeyID: 9E7E2820>---|
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