Hi !
SL Baur writes:
>>> I found I had to touch lisp/finder-inf.el to get the
lisp to
>>> build. Why didn't the Makefile do that?
> As I recall, there is no "finder-inf.el" from CVS.
That is correct. Nor should one be shipped in the tarballs.
> I touched to create a zero length one, otherwise the build failed.
This sounds like the same problem Jan Hebler is reporting and I can't
duplicate. Which version of XEmacs? What happened when the finder
database was supposed to be rebuilt? What error message did you get?
Did anything else unusual happen when you were building?
My problem seems to me now more and more like not an xemacs problem at
all but an problem with gettext and friends. To be more precise, if
you set your LANG, LC_ALL and friends to de_DE, _then_ under some
circumstances, an call to
find_msg(domain->successor[cnt], msgid)
with an msgid "No such file or directory" produce an sigsegv
I will now write an bug-report to the glibc-people.
Anyway if Karl has no finder-inf.el, it _may_ be, that he come from
another door to this bug.