Ar an séiú lá de mí na Nollaig, scríobh Mats Lidell:
Gentoo has recently switched no using position independent code
generation and in addition to that maybe other updates as well like new
version of gcc etc. Whatever has changed both 21.4 and 21.5 ebuilds now
fail due to different reasons but both fail in the dump step ether by
core dumping or by hanging for ever.
I have create the following two tickets in the gentoo bug tracker where you
will find some more info (but I can of course create more info if needed.)
I have tried to compile with using the -fno-pie flag in order to go back to
position dependent code but that did not do the trick.
It’s now spelled -no-pie on this Debian machine; maybe that’s the root of
Can you put the output of configure, or a config.log from the 21.5 build
somewhere? Your text at doesn’t include a
Mercurial changeset ID, which suggests it may not be tip.
I’ll try to get the 21.4 code building on Linux in the next few days.
I need some suggestions on how to debug this and even better some
ideas what
can cause this and how to fix this.
‘As I sat looking up at the Guinness ad, I could never figure out /
How your man stayed up on the surfboard after forty pints of stout’
(C. Moore)