Ar an fichiú lá de mí Lúnasa, scríobh Didier Verna:
> That's off the top of my head.
15. I can't use it at all. Here's the warnings stack just after
launching it.
Could you do an M-x report-emacs-bug, or point me to one you’ve sent for
that build already? This call:
(set-face-background-pixmap 'default "~/xemacs-21.5/etc/trash.xpm" nil
works fine for me (insofar as anything that makes the frame as unreadable as
it does *can* work fine).
(1) (image/debug) error: (invalid-argument (Unable to interpret glyph
instantiator ~/share/images/tile/marble.xpm))
Backtrace follows:
# bind (inhibit-quit)
# (unwind-protect ...)
# (catch #<INTERNAL OBJECT (XEmacs bug?) (opaque, size=0) 0x84cd09c> ...)
# (unwind-protect ...)
add-spec-list-to-specifier(#<image-specifier global=<unspecified> 0x1f1d>
((global ((custom) . "~/share/images/tile/marble.xpm"))) nil)
# bind (is-valid nval how-to-add tag-set locale value specifier)
set-specifier(#<image-specifier global=<unspecified> 0x1f1d>
"~/share/images/tile/marble.xpm" nil (custom) nil)
# bind (how-to-add tag-set locale value property face)
set-face-property(default background-pixmap "~/share/images/tile/marble.xpm"
nil (custom) nil)
# bind (how-to-add tag-set locale pixmap face)
set-face-background-pixmap(default "~/share/images/tile/marble.xpm" nil
funcall(set-face-background-pixmap default "~/share/images/tile/marble.xpm"
nil (custom))
On the quay of the little Black Sea port, where the rescued pair came once
more into contact with civilization, Dobrinton was bitten by a dog which was
assumed to be mad, though it may only have been indiscriminating. (Saki)
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