I am defining a download site.
ftp.xemacs.org. "Not at all"
means the
following: Without setting up EMACSPACKAGEPATH, "List and install" results
in the message: "*ftp ananymous(a)ftp.xemacs.org* seems not a pty.
Kill?" (We
corresponded about this message before.)
I believe that this is because you are trying to use the windows version
of ftp. EMACSPACKAGEPATH should not affect this. Have you tried installing
the inet utils from cygwin?
Setup.exe installs both XEmacs and its packages OK, for example, the
"Options, Advanced(customize), Emacs, Files" shows "Recent files,"
"Tramp," and others. They will configure OK. However, "Options,
Advanced(customize), Emacs, Packages" does not allow one to turn
on and off
individual packages.
Actually that's not what those menu items are for. Once a package is
its installed period. Only uninstalling it will get rid of it. The packages
submenu is mostly worthless. I added some customization hooks so that
customize could be used to record what packages were installed, but as far
as configuring these things you need to look elsewhere. Unfortunately the
menus are organized very well, so finding things can be hard. For instance
gnus is under Options->Advanced->Emacs-Applications->News->Gnus
In addition, Cygwin Xemacs hangs up fairly often, and screens
don't always
redraw properly.
This may be an XEmacs or cygwin problem.
Basically, Cygwin Xemacs is unusable on my XP system. Although,
I'm using an
older version (?) at work on an NT successfully, both of which I
I don't have XP to try. Is this XP pro or home? If home then you may be
better off using the native version of XEmacs.
Does it matter whether setup.exe is run by Cygwin Bash or by Windows?
It doesn't matter which.