Michael Sperber [Mr. Preprocessor] may have said:
sams[41] ssh sams
Last login: Mon Feb 11 11:30:46 2002 from sams
FreeBSD 4.3-RELEASE (SAMS) #1: Mon May 7 13:35:27 MST 2001
sams[31] gnuclient
channel 0: istate 4 != open
channel 0: ostate 64 != open
... and server-side:
(2) (x/critical) I/O Error 32 (Broken pipe) on display connection
"sams:10.0" after after 0 requests (0 known processed)
with 0 events remaining.
Throwing to top level.
That sucks. Do normal X applications work? xlogo is a good test :-)
(This is OpenSSH 2, btw.)
I'm using openssh-3.0.2p1 on both ends. I assume you don't need an
explicit "-X" in version 2?
I wonder how your gnuserv XEmacs gets at the necessary xauth
information. But even with that in place, things fail in the same
I thought SSH X tunnel dealt with that:
ssh will also automatically set up Xauthority data on the server machine.
For this purpose, it will generate a random authorization cookie, store
it in Xauthority on the server, and verify that any forwarded connections
carry this cookie and replace it by the real cookie when the connection
is opened. The real authentication cookie is never sent to the server
machine (and no cookies are sent in the plain).