Paul Stodghill wrote:
Recipe for disaster:
milhouse$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.0 MILHOUSE 1.3.1(0.38/3/2) 2001-04-24 20:01 i686 unknown
milhouse$ xemacs -vanilla
M-: (setq load-path (cons "/path/for/oort-gnus/" load-path))
M-x load-library message
M-x message-mail
M-x filladapt-mode
(insert the following in the body of the message)
> this is some citation
> text that needs to be filled.
(now put the cursor on this text and press)
XEmacs enters an infinite loop which cannot be broken with C-g.
For the ding list: Oort v0.03 and filladapt don't work together under
Cygwin XEmacs. This problem does not exist in 5.8.8.
It seems to be a font-lock problem, coz if you do that with
xemacs -nw -vanilla
it works, as long as you don't go M-x font-lock-mode
Moreover, C-g works in this case (tty).