Today I build xemacs with pdumper for the first time.
What impressed me greatly is relatively small size of executable:
xemacs-21.2-b38 : 10353561
xemacs-21.2-b40 : 10360804
src/xemacs(w/o pdump) : 10363983
xemacs-21.2-b41 : 7278787 !!!
All of them are configured with mule, error-checking and debug info enabled,
but the latter is dumped by pdumper.
What seems strange, is the origin of the following file:
-rw-r--r-- 2643988 Jan 17 15:21 /usr/local/bin/xemacs-21.2-b41-3a68d0b7.dmp
My system:
Linux-2.4.0 i686 glibc-2.1.1