Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 11:28:31 -0800 (PST)
From: Martin Buchholz <martin(a)>
I'm sorry, but your desire to only ever delete text in one direction
puts you in a rapidly shrinking minority.
What a load of crap. Karl never expressed a ``desire to only ever
delete text in one direction'', that's your spin/twist on things.
I support Karl's position regarding the DEL key and I delete in both
directions. Control-D deletes forward, thank you very much. I think
what we desire is to avoid having people fix what ain't broke. I
don't particularly want everything to work Microsoft-style.
If you have developed a desire to have DEL key change directions, I
can take a good guess as to where you might have picked that up.
While it puts you in a majority of sorts, you could also join a
majority by adopting the notion that surfing the web and sending mail
-- er, I mean eeee-mail -- is all there is to computing.
I doubt that the people who can't handle things working the way things
worked before the Microsoft Borg came along are likely to be big fans
of any sort of emacs anyway. However, I suspect that most folks that
are already using emacs can get along just fine without DEL doing a