It has been a long time since their has been an 21.2 release. To allow
people without CVS access to enjoy the delights of the portable dumper
and other goodies added since July, I have made
This a CVS snapshot of the CVS as of to day. The only things I did are
- cvs checkout -r release-21-2
- change the code name to "Sneaky Bastard 19991102" to allow
- renamed toplevel directory
- tar xzf xemacs-sneaky-19991102.tar.gz
Nothing else.
This is not a real beta release, in particular
- It is not test compiled at all.
- It is still called 21.1.19 and will overwrite older versions of
21.1.19 on install
- CHANGES.beta and other readme's have not been updated.
- The codename is not a part of Tokyo.