On Friday 17 October 2008, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Hans de Graaff writes:
> I'll second David's claim, then. There is no released and versioned
> source for XEmacs packages and we notice this in Gentoo.
Excuse me, but by design the released package *is* the versioned
source. That was an absolute design requirement of the whole package
system: you had to be able to modify and rebuild the package (as
installed, not the tarball), either in-place or in a separate tree.
The CVS tree is a version with different meta-content, with the
purpose of facilitating contributions to the XEmacs project.
FWIW, the packages I've been shipping in Fedora are built from whole tree of
sources checked out from CVS using the sumo-yyyy-mm-dd tags. Works well for
me. There are also tags in CVS in package specific dirs corresponding to
each release of that package (eg. prog-modes-2_15) in case you find that
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