Note that we will probably have a Carbonized version (by Pitts Jarvis)
in CVS in a week or so.
>>>> "Martin" == Martin Costabel
<costabel(a)> writes:
Martin> In fact, here is a suspicion: Is it possible that the list
Martin> of filenames in the dumped xemacs can get too long? I find
Martin> there more than 10000 bytes of filenames of the form
It's not likely; we use a dynamically resizing array for strings, and
if it's a Lisp list, then it's all conses of "tiny" strings. Lisp
strings are simply restricted buffers, so they can grow to a gigabyte
on a 32-bit platform (ie, the maximum of a 31-bit signed integer).
Martin> As I have tried to explain before, if I compile with
Martin> slightly different options, I get a crash at the same
Martin> place, but with different error messages. Depending on the
Martin> options, this can be a lisp error or a C error (bus
Martin> error). When I omit the option '--error-checking=none',
Martin> then the compilation terminates successfully.
My suspicion is that this is compiler-related breakage. Emacs uses
casts heavily, allegedly for efficiency. But this breaks modern
optimizations that make strong assumptions about aliasing, in
particular ints are pointers. But in Emacs, all the interesting
pointers (ie, to Lisp data) look like ints to the compiler. Yoops.
It's also possible that we simply have broken code and a wild pointer
(eg, a boundary problem) somewhere. If that's the case, we need
somebody to trap the bug in the debugger. Anybody have a MacOS system
to donate to the cause? ;-)
Try (1) --use-union-type (which is as the gods intended things to be,
and should cause no problems with aliasing restrictions, or (2) (if
your compiler supports it) --no-strict-aliasing (or whatever the
option is called on your compiler that suppresses the options that
make strong assumptions about aliasing).
Institute of Policy and Planning Sciences
University of Tsukuba Tennodai 1-1-1 Tsukuba 305-8573 JAPAN
My nostalgia for Icon makes me forget about any of the bad things. I don't
have much nostalgia for Perl, so its faults I remember. Scott Gilbert