>>>> "JV" == Jan Vroonhof
<jan.vroonhof(a)ntlworld.com> writes:
JV> I/We/whatever are/am thinking about porting the complete latest version
JV> of ps-print to XEmacs. Adrian, Kevin and I already did the non-mule part.
JV> What I would like to know is, does the no-mule part actually work?
JV> If you are using Mule, could you please grab the latest ps-print from
JV> and install it (I think untarring in ~/.xemacs/xemacs-packages and
JV> bytecompiling should work).
Had to comment out chunk of text related to Ethiopic language in ps-mule.
Otherwise got errors while compilation:
While compiling toplevel forms in file
** reference to free variable mule-version
!! Symbol's value as variable is void ((leading-code-private-22))
JV> Please try to print to it.
JV> Questions:
JV> 1. Can you print an ascii text?
JV> 2. Can you print a text in your native language/charset?
When I try to print the following phrase in russian:
Проверка русского текста (Test of russian text)
I get the error in function `ps-output-string-prim':
(args-out-of-range ["\\000" "\\001" "\\002"
"\\003" "\\004" "\\005" "\\006"
"\\007" "\\b" "\\t" "\\n" "\\013"
"\\f" "\\r" "\\016" "\\017" "\\020"
"\\022" "\\023" "\\024" "\\025" "\\026"
"\\027" "\\030" "\\031" "\\032" "\\033"
"\\034" "\\035" "\\036" "\\037" " "
"!" "\"" "#" "$" "%"
"&" "'" "\\(" "\\)"
"*" "+" "," "-" "." "/"
"0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"
"6" "7" "8" "9" ":" ";"
"<" "="
">" "?" "@" "A" "B" "C"
"D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I"
"J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O"
"P" "Q"
"R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W"
"X" "Y" "Z" "[" "\\\\" "]"
"^" "_" "`" "a" "b" "c"
"e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "j"
"k" "l" "m" "n" "o" "p"
"q" "r" "s" "t" "u" "v"
"w" "x"
"y" "z" "{" "|" "}" "~"
"\\177" "\\200" "\\201" "\\202" "\\203"
"\\204" "\\205"
"\\206" "\\207" "\\210" "\\211" "\\212"
"\\213" "\\214" "\\215" "\\216" "\\217"
"\\220" "\\221" "\\222" "\\223" "\\224"
"\\225" "\\226" "\\227" "\\230" "\\231"
"\\232" "\\233" "\\234" "\\235" "\\236"
"\\237" "\\240" "\\241" "\\242" "\\243"
"\\244" "\\245" "\\246" "\\247" "\\250"
"\\251" "\\252" "\\253" "\\254" "\\255"
"\\256" "\\257" "\\260" "\\261" "\\262"
"\\263" "\\264" "\\265" "\\266" "\\267"
"\\270" "\\271" "\\272" "\\273" "\\274"
"\\275" "\\276" "\\277" "\\300" "\\301"
"\\302" "\\303" "\\304" "\\305" "\\306"
"\\307" "\\310" "\\311" "\\312" "\\313"
"\\314" "\\315" "\\316" "\\317" "\\320"
"\\321" "\\322" "\\323" "\\324" "\\325"
"\\326" "\\327" "\\330" "\\331" "\\332"
"\\333" "\\334" "\\335" "\\336" "\\337"
"\\340" "\\341" "\\342" "\\343" "\\344"
"\\345" "\\346" "\\347" "\\350" "\\351"
"\\352" "\\353" "\\354" "\\355" "\\356"
"\\357" "\\360" "\\361" "\\362" "\\363"
"\\364" "\\365" "\\366" "\\367" "\\370"
"\\371" "\\372" "\\373" "\\374" "\\375"
"\\376" "\\377"] ?П)
I played with `ps-multibyte-buffer', setting it to all allowed values (see
ps-mule.el), but nothing changed.
JV> Jan