On Mon, 25 Dec 2000 10:57:36 +0900, Martin Buchholz said:
VK> The mind boggles at a 2G editor. Except maybe in Redmond...
You may not have noticed that I've been gradually fixing 64-bit bugs
in XEmacs. We don't yet have an XEmacs that can have, e.g. Lisp
strings with length > 4G, but at the current rate of bit decay (1 bit
of memory size every 2 years) it's only a matter of time before we
arrive at "Adapt or Die".
Yes, I've noticed those, and thank you for all the work (hopefully my
next AIX box will be a Power3 and I can see how the 64-bit stuff works) ;)
But the mind still boggles at a 2G footprint (as opposed to working in
64-bit mode). But then, the mind boggled 23 years ago when I moved
from an HP2114 with 8K of memory to an IBM S/360-65J that had *4 M*.
Hmm... 23 years.. 13 to 22 bit addresses then, we are specing servers with
8G of memory now, and 0.5G on desktops. So 30 to 33 bits of address now.
Giving somehwere between 11 and 17 bits over 23 years. Yeah, 1 bit
every 2 years seems just about right...
Valdis Kletnieks
Operating Systems Analyst
Virginia Tech