Hi Uwe,
Ar an seachtú lá is fiche de mí Deireadh Fómhair, scríobh Uwe Brauer:
I just realized that french-input, via latin-pre.el via quail has a
slightly different input that iso-accents-mode:
- in iso-accents-mode ~c --> ç
while in quail it is 'c--> ç
GNU emacs in earlier versions had also the quail implantation,
but in 22 they support both ways. So I propose to do the same.
Sounds good!
- the symbols oe, which in latex is represented by \oe and
in words like soeur (sister) puzzles me very much:
First I can't find it neither in a french keyboard nor in
iso-accents-mode nor in quail (Xemacs 21.4/21.5) (GNU emacs
Yes. Its not being included in ISO 8859-1 led to a decrease in its usage in
French, though strictly speaking it is still obligatory, there is a spelling
distinction between œ and oe, and it is used in formal printed matter.
Non-Mule XEmacs can’t handle literal œ. You’ll need to construct the
character at run time, in a similar way as the latin-9-pre snippet in your
other mail.
However when using latex and using x-symbol, \oe gets
as the relevant symbol, although in a sort of strange way:
My current main font is courier-bold: that symbol gets displayed
in something which looks like a fixfont of the sort of the family
mixed, but it is not, xfontsel does not show me this symbol.
So I don't know, I am no french native and have no idea how
usually this symbol is generated (it seems that windows french
keyboard has some ALT-I don't know key generating this
symbol). The question is, should Mule support this char and how.
Mule does support this character. It’s code point 61 in latin-iso8859-15,
corresponding to an octet value of #xBD in an ISO-8859-15-encoded file.
Quail should support this character. If GNU have decided on an input scheme
for it, I would suggest using that; otherwise, I think the following is
Quail key sequence -> Inputted char
oe -> œ
oee -> oe
X-symbol does not save this char as unicode or anything like
but as \oe.
- ispell does not know how do spell this word soeur.
Ispell a) needs its dictionaries in an encoding that can handle œ; UTF-8
probably and b) needs XEmacs to hand it text in that encoding; probably
using process-coding-system-alist, or, as a fall back, the native encoding.
Can anybody please clarify.
Hope that made things clearer,
¿Dónde estará ahora mi sobrino Yoghurtu Nghé, que tuvo que huir
precipitadamente de la aldea por culpa de la escasez de rinocerontes?
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