On Tue, 13 Jul 1999 03:59:05 -0000, Justin Vallon said:
Further, Foo-1.6 might use Bar-1.4, but Foo-1.5 uses Bar-1.3.
dependencies kill you if you can't have two versions co-exist. That is,
updating one package may trigger a cascade of "you need Bar-1.4, not
Bar-1.3". Worst, then imagine that Baz-1.0 can't use Bar-1.4. That means
that I can't upgrade to Foo-1.5 because Baz-1.0 can't use Bar-1.4.
Amen, brother.. ;)
That was my biggest concern with the current package system - that it
can't easily deal with this, especially in a multi-user environment
where "install the ones you need yourself" isnt an option...
> the anarchy will be bad news. There should be one sanctioned way
> install
> files to the installation dir.
I don't know what h2xs is. However, I don't see why 'tar xf' can't
your sanctioned installation method, and 'rm -rf' is your sanctioned
removal method.
While we're here, let me remind everybody that "the directory you
install into" isn't always the one you execute out of. For AFS or
Depot installations, you need to be able to specify something like
"installprefix=/path/to/use/instead/of/usr_local". For the base
Xemacs, I can use 'make install prefix='. Perl allows a 'config.over'
file that changes the various installdir values. For a Sumo tarball,
I can 'cd $installpref; tar xvf' and then do the back-end magic to
make things appear in /usr/local.
But I haven't seen a way to do that function with the current package
code (if I'm blind, somebody hand me a braille pointer to the
incantation needed). Since I use Depot here, I've basically been
stuck untarring Sumos and not using the fancy package-updater,
since it insists on scribbling in /usr/local by default..
pui-package-install-dest-dir *almost* does the right thing,
except it's in package-ui.el, it would be nice if the defcustom
was actually in package-get.el, so jsut saying
M-x package-get-update-all would Do The Right Thing. (Basically,
from the menubar, pui-list-packages can *install* into a new target
directory, but "Update installed packages" takes you to
package-get-update-all which doesn't seem to know how to do it...)
Enough 4AM rambling.. ;)