On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 12:16:54 +0100, Jarl Friis said:
So, who cares about disk space these days. In Denmark virtually every
seem to give users unlimited disk-space for their homepage. I use that for
backup of my workstation in a non-accessible directory ;-)
It's not just diskspace.
It's bandwidth too. I have a pair of Dell systems, one at work and one
at home. The work system runs the latest-and-greatest everything, because
it's well-connected network-wise. On the other hand, updating stuff
on my home machine means either sucking huge files over a 56k modem or
physically carting the machine to my office and borrowing a network drop
to download stuff.
ftp.xemacs.org (trimmed to fit in 80):
-r--r--r-- xemacadm
10469429 Sep 7 12:20 xemacs-21.5.3.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- youngs 3787011 Sep 29 11:39 xemacs-mule-sumo-2001-09-29.tar.bz2
-rw-r--r-- youngs 14515329 Sep 29 13:17 xemacs-sumo-2001-09-29.tar.bz2
That's 28,771,769 bytes - or about 95 minutes to download over a 56K modem.
That's not so bad - but it starts to add up pretty quickly as more packages
start taking this "XYZ is cheap" attitude.
I'd not be flaming, except I spent *way* too long the other night downloading
Mozilla. And before you ask - no, DSL and cablemodem are *NOT* available in
my neighborhood yet.
/Valdis (who once managed to work quite effectively over a 300 baud modem ;)