>>>> "Andy" == Andy Piper
<andy(a)xemacs.org> writes:
> I can't verify whether "c:/cygwin/bin" is in my
path until
> tomorrow morning,
> but based on what I'm reporting here, I guess that seems like a likely
> possibility. I'll report back tomorrow evening (or earlier if
> they finally get
> my work email completely working).
Andy> PATH has little to do with it. It is AppPaths that dictate what gets picked
Andy> up when you run from the desktop. Try peeking inside your registry
Andy> at HLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App
Andy> Paths\xemacs-21.4.11.exe
Andy> and see if that looks ok. Maybe we are not setting this correctly on NT.
Andy> Maybe
Andy> its something to do with you not being an administrator.
I didn't find that exact registry path, but I did find one that was close:
[WG44KA2G55H;] regtool
get '\user\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\xemacs-
I also found that when I added a PATH variable in the "user" section, adding
"c:/cygwin/bin", and then reexecuting the icon, it worked perfectly fine.
I would assume the intention is that executing the icon would use that path
stored at the registry key. As you suspected, I would guess it wasn't using it
for some reason. Note that I'm running this on XP.
David M. Karr ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++
dmkarr(a)earthlink.net ; SCJP; SCWCD