>>>"JV" == Jan Vroonhof schrieb am 15 Jun 1998
10:07:46 +0200:
JV> AFAIK the XEmacs 19.16 version should give no problems. The
JV> problem is that XFree86 seems to have versions using hyphens and
JV> and versions underscores in the keysyms (i.e, dead-tilde and
JV> dead_tilde). To add to that the XEmacs code remaps underscores to
JV> hyphens for keybindings, but x-keysym-on-keyoard-p in 20.4 wants
JV> the unremapped name.
JV> This is fixed 21.0.
This morning I went to check with my 20.4 and using the
Xkb-extensions. Well, I encountered no problems, dead_tilde etc. work
as expected when enabling "nodeadkeys" in XF86Config.
I then remembered that Christian Kirsch had reported some problems,
so I contacted him. His trouble has to do with the default keybinding
of Compose to Shift-AltGR (I use ScrollLock), which he says XEmacs
does not recognize. I will check that this evening.
Jan, for the 21.0 version, is there just the new x-compose.el
necessary ? I have currently no way to get the new beta home, since I
don't have a modem account currently (and no cd-writer either). If so,
could you send it (i.e. x-compose.el) to me ?