>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen J Turnbull
<stephen(a)xemacs.org> writes:
>>>> "ms" == Michael Sperber
<sperber(a)informatik.uni-tuebingen.de> writes:
>> Documentation:
>> [...] The equivalence of the selected window's point with
>> buffer's point is maintained throughout XEmacs. [...]
ms> It's brain damage, but it might cause breakage if the
ms> invariant were taken out.
Stephen> How is it brain damage? I think it would damage one's brain if XEmacs
Stephen> were to make changes at some place _other_ than the selected window's
Stephen> point.
Previous messages in this thread explain it: I conjecture this
assumption was born in the time before multiple frames. There, you
always type into the selected window, which is why you want the
invariant the way it is.
Now, it makes sense if the selected window *of the selected frame*
maintains that invariant, but not for *all* frames.
Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla