thanks for your detailed report.
>>>>"DP" == Daniel Pittman
<daniel(a)rimspace.net> writes:
DP> Running under the new allocator is
better, but I have hit a bug:
DP> an attempt to finalize a page that seems to contain an improperly
DP> allocated object.
DP> The finalize method of the object points off into random memory,
DP> resulting in a SIG11 trying to finalize that page.
There is some strange memory corruption happening. I've not been able
to identify the cause of it yet, I haven't found a way to reproduce
the bug deterministically.
DP> I will try and capture more information on the problem, and see if
DP> I can instrument the system to capture the cause of the problem.
Same here.
DP> I would welcome suggestions for locating and stomping this bug,
DP> though, since the incremental GC is much nicer than the
DP> traditional GC. :)