Stephen J. Turnbull writes:
>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Pluim
<rpluim(a)> writes:
Robert> So if I read the patch right, doing (require 'ibuffer)
Robert> would be enough to get the keybinding changed?
Urk. Please think carefully about this. Changing keybindings is
always one of the most controversial aspects of patching. In
particular, we've made a point in many cases of trying to ensure that
user-visible changes are never activated by a require (the user
normally does not know that they are require'ing a library). (Cf the
"howcum JPEGs don't enter image-mode in 21.4" thread, etc.)
Are people going to be shocked if something require's ibuffer
their backs? I'm sure you think the shock will be pleasant; the point
is some people will not agree.
In this particular case I wouldn't mind, since the behaviour in the
two cases is sufficiently similar. Of course, there's always going to
be someone who bitterly complains about things like this.
PS Why does being in the To: field make me feel like you're talking to
me, when I *know* you're talking to John?